martes, 22 de octubre de 2019

Dialogues at the Doctor.

Resultado de imagen de doctor and patientPatient: Hello, good morning.
Doctor: Good morning. Please, sit down. You must be Juan Pérez.
Patient: Yes. That's right.
Doctor: OK, Juan. Welcome to my office. What can I do for you? What's the problem?
Patient: My right eye, doctor. I can't see anything through it.
Doctor: Ok. Let me see. Please open your eyes... Oh, my God! Yo have a button inside your eye! Nurse! Come! Quick!

The nurse comes quickly.

Resultado de imagen de button in the eyeNurse: Yes, doctor?
Doctor: We have a big problem with this patient. He has got a button in his eye.
Nurse: How's this possilbe?
Doctor: I do not know. We have to operate urgently. Quick, I need a schalpel, bandages and an eye dropper.

The nurse brings everything needed for the surgery.

Doctor: Well, Juan. We are going to sleep you. Please, count down from 10.
Patient:Yes, Doctor. 10, 9, 7, 6... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Doctor: The patient is slept. Go on.

Finally, after some hours, the patient wakes up.

Patient:Where am I?
Doctor: You are in the hospital, friend. We have operate on you. How are you? Can you see?
Patient:Yes, I can. But it itches me a lot.
Doctor: Don't worry. It is normal. You had a button inside your eye.
Patient:Ah! Was it a button?
Doctor: Yes, it was. Here is. How did it get in your eye?
Patient:Well, it's a long story... Maybe another day.

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