lunes, 28 de octubre de 2019

Halloween monsters II. Dracula.

Resultado de imagen de vlad tepes
Vlad Tepes (Drácula)
One of the most famous Halloween characters is Dracula, the vampire. In this report I'm going to answer some questions about him.

Who was Dracula?

Dracula was a real character in the 15th century. His true name was "Vlad Tepes", the impaler. He was a noble prince who fought against the Turkish empire. Old chronicles point that he was very sadist and cruel. He used to "impale" his enemies: that is, he skewered them alive in stakes through the anus until they died.

Where did he live?

He lived in Valaquia (actual Romania), ruling this land during 6 years (from 1456 to 1462)

Resultado de imagen de dracula castle night

What did he do during his life?

He expent his lifetime fighting against everybody. This is because he had many enemies: Turkish, nearby Christian kingdoms, nobles from his own country...

How did he die?

Of course, in a battle. He was killed by his own soldiers, who confused him with an enemy.

Resultado de imagen de bram stokerAnd why the legend?

The actual myth of vampires was created by Bram Stoker, an Irish writer. Inspired by the historic character of Vlad Tepes, he wrote "Dracula". In this masterwork he invented all the features that we associate today with vampires: stakes on the heart, garlic for scaring them away, bloodsucking, inmortality...

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