viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2019

Next English Exam.

On next Tuesday we have an English Exam. Topic 3: Illness and pain. Study.

PD. This the text in which the exam will be based:

“Hi. My name is Alfred. Today I go to the hospital. I go by ambulance, because my leg is broken. Gema, my doctor, says that I will be fine in 40 days. I need crutches for walking; I also take three pills a day.
In the hospital I see many sick people: wounded persons, children suffering chickenpox, patients with problems in their lungs, kidneys, liver... I have made a friend: a blind boy named Johnny. He is very funny.
In the hospital I know a very nice nurse. Her name is Jill. Jill is always looking after everybody. She puts injections, she wrap bandages, she pushes wheelchairs... always smiling. She never gets angry. Never.

2 comentarios:

  1. Yo me he leído el texto un par de veces para tenerle caliente en el examen

  2. Well done! Very important: to know EVERYTHING (todo) about vocabulary.
