viernes, 19 de junio de 2020

Sesión de regalo. Lugares asombrosos en la Tierra.

Como os prometí, el viernes habría una selección de cosas curiosas, para que disfrutéis un rato. La única pega es que las explicaciones están en inglés. Pero bueno; con lo que sabéis, y tirando un poco de traductor Google, sabréis descifrar lo que pone.Vamos a ello. Empecemos con los 4 lugares más espectaculares del mundo:

Resultado de imagen de Angel waterfall
Angel's waterfall.
Top 4. Angel's waterfall.

It is the highest waterfall in the world. It is 979 meters high. It is in Venezuela (South America) Not only the waterfall is spectacular; also the surrounding area. It is a forest filled with old and big trees. The mountains are also extraordinary.

Top 3. Yellowstone Geyser.

This beautiful and transparent pool is treacherous. If you look at the photo, you will check that there aren't any trees around the water. And what about the yellow mud? It is sulphur, a very toxic substance.

Resultado de imagen de yellowstone geyser
Yellowstone geyser.

You are watching a geyser from Yellowstone National Park (USA) It is filled with a mix of water and acid. From time to time, it spits a large collum of water. In 2016 a man died because he thought that to have a "bath" in these waters was a good idea. One more time, ignorance was stupidity's best friend.
Resultado de imagen de the great blue hole
The great blue hole.

Top 2. The great blue hole.

It is a very deep sinkhole in Belice (Central America, next to Mexico) It is very deep: more than 100 meters. Originally it was a cave; but many years ago the ceiling collapsed. The result: this spectacular blue circle.

Top 1. The gate of the hell.

It is a crater in Turkmenistan, consequence of oil prospecting. Engineers were looking for petrol, and they found a great deposit of gas. This gas started to flow and engineers set fire to it in order to prevent intoxications in surrounding towns. Since 1971, this gas has been burning, and it seems that it will not stop in the short run. What a botch job!

Resultado de imagen de the gate of the hell
The gate of the hell.

1 comentario:

  1. david que tal machooo!, que tal por hay que decias que nos hibas a dar clase este año y al final no te cogieron :(
