miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

English. Coronavirus. General information.

Resultado de imagen de coronavirus
What is it?

It is a new virus which affects humans.

Why is so dangerous?

Because it is new, and so we have no cure or vaccine (injection) yet.

Where did it start?

It started in Wuhan, a large city in China. The focus: a food market where alive animals are exposed.

Why did it spread so fast?

Because today the world is globalized. People move continuously from one to another place; and so the expansion of everything is very quick. Not only virus, but also music, ideas, food, inventions, etc.

Is it dangerous for everybody?

Not for everybody. It specially attacks old people (over 70 years old).
Resultado de imagen de vaccine

When is going to finish?

The vaccine (the injection) will be ready next year. Meanwhile... The actual situation will continue.

And when the quarantine will be finished in Spain?

The Spanish government says in 19 days, counting from today. But possibily it will last more. Maybe until May.

The school... is over?

No. Although the government could say "the school is over", I, as teacher, will continue with lessons by means of this blog until June, the 20th.

8 comentarios:

  1. 1. COVID-19.
    2. it is dangerous because for now there are no cures.
    3. it started in china.
    4. it spread because people did not stop traveling.
    5. it is not more dangerous for older people.
    6. I dont know when teacher will end.
    7. possible mind will end in 19 days.
    8. yes.

    Soy Ángela.

    1. Thanks for your answers!! Although there were no questions, I appreciate your effort.

    2. 1- COVID-19.us
      2- It is dangerous, because it is a new virus and so we have no cure.
      3- Instarted in Wuhan, a large city China.
      4- It spread because people move the cityin city.
      5- No. It is attacks old people.
      6- The injection i don´t finish. I finish for next year.
      7- In spanish 19 days. But possibily it will last more.
      8- Yes, because for the teacher will continue.
      Soy Sergio.

    3. Right!! Thanks for your work :-)

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. 1: COVID-19.us

    2:It is dangerous, because it is a new virus and so we have no cure.

    3: Instarted in Wuhan, a large city China.

    4: It spread because people move the cityin city.

    5: No. It is attacks old people.

    6: The injection i don´t finish. I finish for next

    7: In spanish 19 days. But possibily it will last

    8: Yes, because for the teacher will continue.

  4. 1-COVID-19.
    2-It is dangerous, because it is a new virus and so we have no cure.
    3-Instarted in Wuhan, a large city China.
    4-It spread because peoplemove the cityin city.
    5-No. It is attacks old people.
    6-the injection i don't finish. I finish for next year.
    7-In spanish 19 days. But possibily it will last more.
    8- Yes, because for the teacher will continue.

    Soy Alexandra.
