viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

Inglés. 15 / 05 / 2020. At the toilet.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions:

- Dad!!! Dad!!!
- Yes, Peter? Tell me.
- Dad, the water at the shower is very cold!!! Did you start the washing machine?
- Yes, Peter. Sorry.
- Ok. It doesn't matter. I have finished.

- Dad!!! Dad!!!
- Yes, Peter?
- Where are the towels?
- Ups! Sorry, Peter. They are dirty (sucias). Dry yourself with the hair dryer!
- With the hair dryer? Are you crazy?
- Peter! I am your father. Don't call me this!
- That's right. I will dry myself with toitlet paper. Thanks for nothing.

- Dad!!! Dad!!!
- Yes, Peter? What's going on now?
- Dad, I don't find the deodorant. Nor the comb. Where are they?
- Ups! Sorry, Peter. Your mother took them yesterday. Aren't they next to the washbasin?
- Noooo!
- Humm... I don't know where they are. Comb with your fingers!
- And the deodorant?
- Today, without deodorant, Peter.


1.- In which part of the house is Peter?

        a) Kitchen.            b) Toilet)             c) Bedroom.

2.- What problem has Peter with the water?

        a) It's very cold               b) It's very hot            c) It smells badly.

3.- Why the water is very cold?

       a) Because there is no gas on the water heater.

       b) Because the father has opened a tap in the kitchen.

       c) Because the washing machine is working.

4.- What happen with the towels?

         a) They are dirty.             b) The dog ate them.          c) They are wet.

5.- The father suggests Peter to dry himself with...

         a) Toilet paper.                b) With the curtains.           c) With the hair dryer.

6.-  Finally Peter dries himself with...     

        a) Toilet paper.                 b) With the curtains.           c) With the hair dryer.

7.- Peter can't find the comb nor the deodorant. Who took these items from the toilet?

         a) Shelly, the sister.         b) John, the father.              c) The mother.

16 comentarios:

  1. Respuestas
    1. Thanks for your work, Mar. 1, 2 and 3 are correct. The other ones, no. You have 2 points. If you correct your mistakes, you can increase your punctuation.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  6. Respuestas
    1. Good Job, Sergio. Only mistakes ast 4 and 6:
      4: It's (A), not (C). The towel was dirty, not wet.
      6: It's (A), not (C). Peter finally dries himself with toilet paper, not with the hair dryer.

      3 points.

  7. Ok, Selente. Right. You have falied in 1, 3 and 4.
    1: B. Peter is in the toilet.
    3: C. The water is cold because the washing machine is working.
    4: A. The towles are dirty. 2 points.
