lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

Tools picture dictionary.

We have finished the didactic unit called "Tools". I let you here the picture dictionary, for if you want to have it.

Words which you don't know:

9: air pump. 13.- chisel (cincel). 14. Set square.

8 comentarios:

  1. No, it is not necessary. I upload it here only for if you want to have it. By the way: 1 extra point for you.

  2. Teacher do you have to copy photo or something ?

    1. No, Mar, it is not necessary. Thanks for writing in English. 1 extra point for you.

    2. Nothing obligatory. I repeat: the photocopy is only for if you want to have it, together with the other ones. Tomorrow I will start a new topic, about car parts.

    3. Hola, Mar. La profe Mayte me ha dado tarea para tu hermana ¿Puedo enviártela a ti y tú se la pasas a ella?
